January 12, 2010

Loss of Inventory

Remember the post about Noah's sporting goods store? If not, click here.


Well this is what happens when he loses some of his inventory, and if I were you, I'd steer clear of this little dude.

Let me tell you what happened.

Today was a beautiful, beautiful day, so I decided to open up the door to the back porch so Noah and Einstein {well mostly Noah because Einstein prefers sitting in the house} could enjoy the weather and play.

I was outside on the porch playing with Noah for a while, and then I decided to grab my camera to take a few pictures. All of the sudden I heard Noah screaming at the top of his lungs; he was angry! I ran out expecting to see that he had tripped and fallen to the ground, but no. He was just standing there throwing a big ol' tantrum. I looked at his empty hands and knew exactly what he was so mad about. I glanced over the balcony to the ground below, and there sat two balls.

Oh little No, we've talked about this again & again. One of these days you'll learn.

Oh, by the way. What do you think about Noah's shirt? Isn't it cute? His daddy was so proud when I brought the shirt home one afternoon. Josh loves Afros, and I have no idea why. I personally think they are ugly & unattractive. However, I did think the shirt was just too cute, so I had to get it for Noah {and his daddy}.


Melanie Lyons said...

Not only is it a fro, but a monkey with a fro playing basketball! Can't get much better! Please tell me you rescued his lost balls? LOL Even mad he's still a cutie

The montoya said...

he is so cute when mad!!!

Angie said...

Ha Ha I am laughing you are so funny about t shirt! Yes, I know Josh's favorite is AFROS He must be a weird brain! ha Cute face!